Thursday, January 19, 2006
Know Your Audience
Imagine the power of really knowing your audience and knowing what makes them tick.
In our other business, Outstanda, we just helped a new business release an eNewsletter. We have done lots of these, but this one was something special. A new business with an email list of a little over 500 people.
The message was crafted to appeal to this highly targeted national list.
Results were a 60% open rate, over 25 calls and 500% opens. (The unique person, reopened it and average of 5 times.) The results have been incredible and the client stands to make enough money in the first week to support the business for the first year.
Now the Buzz. People in this industry all seem to know each other, and he is hearing that they are calling and emailing each other and discussing his remarkable new business that is going to save them money. If you can create a highly targeted message that has clear benefits, it can go viral in a hurry.