Friday, September 02, 2005

Measuring your presentation performance and buzz

Medina Rotary had me speak last night. I found a new Buzz way of measuring the results of my presentation. I took exactly 200 business cards (mine are shaped like bee hives and easy to pass on, because they are fun.) and at the end of my speech, I said, "Here are 200 business cards. Take one if you liked the presentation, and one for each person you think might be interested in hearing about me and pass it on to them. I will measure the success of this presentation based on how many cards I have left. " "If I walk out of here with 195 I know I am not invited back." I wrote up a document on the date, place and makeup of the presentation. I listed notes of people I am going to follow up with. Then I generated the score. 94 cards taken by 25 people. 3.76 is the presentation score for last night. Now I have a number to beat.