Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Hidden Assets

How often do you check your website traffic stats? Surprisingly, many business owners put up their website and forget about it. I have a friend that put up a website and was doing a television show. Some sponsors recently pulled out and the show was cancelled, and she felt the business was going to go under. Then she and I had a meeting on what was going on with her website. She was surprised to find that she had nearly 100 people signed up for her eNewsletter, her site will get over 2,000 unique visitors this month, and her website traffic has gone up by over 100% in the last two months. Armed with this knowledge, she is now reworking her business plan to do podcasts, blogging, video webcasts, ecommerce and more to capitalize on this audience she did not even realize she had. High traffic is a hidden asset if a company has published some valuable information and does not realize how many people are accessing it.