Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Buzzoodle Buzz Marketing - Espanol

Now that the Buzzoodle Buzz Marketing blog is released, keep your eyes open for Buzzoodle Buzz Marketing - Espanol. In the coming weeks we will be launching the spanish version of this blog.

Why? First, to build our brand in different markets and reach a wider web audience. Next, some people in the US prefer to read in Spanish. Also, there are fewer Spanish marketing blogs and we think we will stand out more, although I have seen some excellent Spanish marketing blogs.

Lastly, we are working on partnerships with people in other parts of the world that will resell our products and spread our message as part of their marketing services. Having some of our content translated into other languages will speed the growth and adoption of Buzz Marketing with employees.

If you were to put up just a few pages welcoming people in other languages and explaining your services, how much do you think your audience would grow? Just keep in mind that they may think you have someone on staff that speaks the language. If they call be prepared to handle it. There are more and more services that can help you with this. Some call centers are fielding customer calls just in different languages. This can help you start the buzz in places where you will not even know what they are saying.