Thursday, August 28, 2008

Employee Evangelism

OK, this is a big deal. Really.

At Buzzoodle, we have just launched an Employee Evangelism program.

It is a hybrid of our one-on-one buzz marketing mentoring program and our employee evangelism workshop. It is especially sweet and special because it is better than those other things.

Go over and read the benefits on the site. You will see what I mean.

It is inexpensive because of the group aspect and using technology to manage the program. It is also incredibly valuable because if you got between 5 and 20 people creating steady buzz, even a little bit each month, you website traffic will increase, your sales will increase, and you will even occasionally hit a home run and end up in big media.

Go take a look at the program. I am very proud of this because it is finally a way to bring a cost-effective, incredibly valuable program to bigger businesses.

Employee Evangelism is only going to get bigger. Social Media is growing, and you cannot expect just your marketing department to keep up with it. You have to create a culture of social participation.